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// Stepper Motor Control with TB6600 Driver & Arduino Mega 2560
// Moves gantry in two dimensions based on user input (position in mm).

// Pin Definitions
const int X_STEP_PIN = 5;  // Step pin for X-axis stepper driver
const int X_DIR_PIN = 2;   // Direction pin for X-axis stepper driver
const int X_EN_PIN = 8;    // Enable pin for X-axis stepper driver

const int Y_STEP_PIN = 6;  // Step pin for Y-axis stepper driver
const int Y_DIR_PIN = 3;   // Direction pin for Y-axis stepper driver
const int Y_EN_PIN = 9;    // Enable pin for Y-axis stepper driver

// Stepper Motor & Belt System Parameters
const int MOTOR_STEPS_PER_REV = 200;  // Motor full steps per revolution
const int MICROSTEP_SETTING = 16;     // Microstepping level (1, 2, 4, 8, 16, etc.)
const float BELT_PITCH = 2.0;         // Belt pitch in mm (distance between two teeth)
const int PULLEY_TEETH = 20;          // Pulley teeth count

// Derived Parameters
const float DIST_PER_REV = BELT_PITCH * PULLEY_TEETH;  // Linear distance per full motor revolution
const int STEPS_PER_REV = MOTOR_STEPS_PER_REV * MICROSTEP_SETTING; // Steps per revolution
const float STEPS_PER_MM = STEPS_PER_REV / DIST_PER_REV; // Steps needed to move 1 mm

// Position Tracking
float currentX = 0.0;  // Track current X position in mm
float currentY = 0.0;  // Track current Y position in mm

// System Boundaries
const float MIN_X = 0.0, MAX_X = 200.0;  // X-axis limits in mm
const float MIN_Y = 0.0, MAX_Y = 200.0;  // Y-axis limits in mm

// Function Prototypes
void moveToPosition(float targetX, float targetY); // Move to target position
void moveAxis(int stepPin, int dirPin, float currentPos, float targetPos, const char* axisName); // Move axis function
void printMotorInfo();  // Print motor details
void enableMotors();    // Enable both motors
void disableMotors();   // Disable both motors

void setup() {
  Serial.begin(115200);  // Initialize Serial communication for debugging

  // Set pin modes for both stepper motors
  pinMode(X_STEP_PIN, OUTPUT);
  pinMode(X_DIR_PIN, OUTPUT);
  pinMode(X_EN_PIN, OUTPUT);

  pinMode(Y_STEP_PIN, OUTPUT);
  pinMode(Y_DIR_PIN, OUTPUT);
  pinMode(Y_EN_PIN, OUTPUT);

  enableMotors();  // Ensure motors are enabled at startup

  Serial.println("Stepper Motors Initialized");  // Debug message
  printMotorInfo();                             // Print motor configuration details

void loop() {
  // Check for user input
  if (Serial.available()) {
    String input = Serial.readStringUntil('\n');  // Read input line
    input.trim();                                 // Remove any extra spaces or newlines

    // Split the input into X and Y components
    int commaIndex = input.indexOf(',');
    if (commaIndex == -1) {
      Serial.println("Invalid input! Format must be: X,Y");

    float targetX = input.substring(0, commaIndex).toFloat();  // Extract X coordinate
    float targetY = input.substring(commaIndex + 1).toFloat(); // Extract Y coordinate

    // Validate input
    if (!isnan(targetX) && !isnan(targetY)) {
      moveToPosition(targetX, targetY);
    } else {
      Serial.println("Invalid input! Please enter valid numbers.");

// Function to move the stepper motor to a given position in mm
void moveToPosition(float targetPosition) {
  // Check boundaries for X
  if (targetX < MIN_X || targetX > MAX_X) {
    Serial.println("Error: X position out of bounds!");

  if (targetY < MIN_Y || targetY > MAX_Y) {
    Serial.println("Error: Y position out of bounds!");

  // Move in the X direction first
  moveAxis(X_STEP_PIN, X_DIR_PIN, currentX, targetX, "X");
  currentX = targetX; // Update current X position

  // Then move in the Y direction
  moveAxis(Y_STEP_PIN, Y_DIR_PIN, currentY, targetY, "Y");
  currentY = targetY; // Update current Y position

  Serial.print("Moved to position: (");
  Serial.print(", ");

// Function to move an axis to a target position
void moveAxis(int stepPin, int dirPin, float currentPos, float targetPos, const char* axisName) {
  long targetSteps = targetPos * STEPS_PER_MM;  // Convert target position to steps
  long currentSteps = currentPos * STEPS_PER_MM;  // Convert current position to steps
  long stepsToMove = targetSteps - currentSteps;  // Compute step difference

  if (stepsToMove == 0) return;  // If already at target position, do nothing

  digitalWrite(dirPin, stepsToMove > 0 ? HIGH : LOW);  // Set direction

  Serial.print("Moving ");
  Serial.print(" axis to: ");
  Serial.println(targetPos); // Debug message

  for (long i = 0; i < abs(stepsToMove); i++) {
    digitalWrite(stepPin, HIGH);  // Pulse step pin HIGH
    delayMicroseconds(800);  // Short delay for motor driver
    digitalWrite(stepPin, LOW);  // Pulse step pin LOW
    delayMicroseconds(800);  // Short delay for motor driver

// Function to enable both motors
void enableMotors() {
  digitalWrite(X_EN_PIN, LOW);  // Activate motor drivers (LOW enables TB6600)
  digitalWrite(Y_EN_PIN, LOW);
  Serial.println("Motor Enabled");  // Debug message

void disableMotors() {
  digitalWrite(X_EN_PIN, HIGH);  // Disable motor driver
  digitalWrite(Y_EN_PIN, HIGH);
  Serial.println("Motor Disabled");  // Debug message

void printMotorInfo() {
  Serial.println("Motor Configuration:");
  Serial.print("Steps per Revolution: ");  
  Serial.println(STEPS_PER_REV);  // Print total steps per revolution
  Serial.print("Microstepping Setting: ");  
  Serial.println(MICROSTEP_SETTING);  // Print microstepping value
  Serial.print("Distance per Revolution (mm): ");  
  Serial.println(DIST_PER_REV);  // Print mm per revolution
  Serial.print("Steps per mm: ");  
  Serial.println(STEPS_PER_MM);  // Print steps required for 1 mm movement